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School Wide Discipline Plan
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is a framework or approach of strategies and organizational systems for establishing a social culture, learning environment, and individual behavior supports needed to achieve academic and social success for all students.
Our purpose at Corona Elementary is for all members of our learning community which includes our students, families and school staff, to be proactive in maintaining a positive academic learning environment. Corona Elementary School is a community of scholars who demonstrate Safe, Organized, Accountable, and Respectful behaviors while preparing for college and career. Students are explicitly taught the school-wide expectations through a Teaching Matrix. Students will be taught, explicitly, about our behavioral expectations and what SOAR looks like in each major common area of our campus. In addition to our school-wide behavioral expectations, SOAR, each grade level will have a Classroom Matrix that is aligned with SOAR and outlines the behavioral expectations (including routines and procedures) in the classroom. Our school-wide PBIS matrix is below:
When students fail to follow the rules it is sometimes necessary that the school apply progressive discipline as appropriate. Such consequences could include: a phone call home, loss of recess, detention at recess time, after school or on Saturday, adherence to a behavior contract, a referral to Student Study Team, suspension, or expulsion.