Kingsley Elementary

Dedicated to excellence in education

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  • Kindness Certified School 20252020 PBIS Community Cares Award Kingsley Gold Ribbon School Title I Achievement Award HUSSC Award Pivotal Practice Award Logo PBIS Platinum Award Logo

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      School Videos

      • VIDEO: The Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge #345 - Donates Backpacks to OMSD Students!

        Video: Congresswoman Norma Torres celebrates National School Lunch Week at Kingsley Elementary

        The Healthier US School Challenge Awards - Video

        Kingsley Elementary School Video

      Office and Uniform Information

      • Enrollment and Office Hours

        Starting August 6, we will resume our regular hours of 7:15-3:30. Families may also complete a pre-enrollment packet online (some documentation will be verified in the office) at

        Student uniforms consist of the following items:

        1. Blue (navy or baby blue preferred) or white top; short or long sleeve shirt with a collar preferred, or approved Kingsley Elementary School Spirit or College/University wear on designated days. Name brand shirts are acceptable as long as the logo is small and inconspicuous.
        2. Navy, black or khaki bottoms; pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, jumpers, or overalls. Blue or black denim without holes or tears is permitted.

        Los uniformes de los estudiantes consisten de los siguientes artículos:

        1. Blusa/Camisa de color —de preferencia azul marino/obscura, azul cielo— o blanca; se prefiere que sean de manga larga o corta y con cuello, o las prendas de vestir aprobadas como Atuendo de Orgullo Escolar de Kingsley o colegio/universidad en los días designados. Las camisas/blusas de marca de renombre son aceptables siempre y cuando el logotipo sea pequeño y discreto.
        2. Pantalones, pantalones cortos, faldas; falda-pantalones, vestidos sin mangas, u overoles de color azul obscura/marino, negros o caqui. Se permite denim azul sin agujeros ni desgarros.

      Homeless or In Transition Students (McKinney Vento Homeless Education Act)

      • All students considered homeless or in transition, which includes students who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, are afforded certain rights under the McKinney-Vento Assistance Act (Board Policy 6173):

        • Immediate enrollment in the school last attended (school of origin) or the local school where you are currently staying, even if the family does not have all required enrollment documents.
        • Continue to attend the school of origin, if requested by the parent or guardian, and it is in the best interest.
        • Transportation to and from the student’s school of origin, at the request of the parent or guardian.
        • Any special programs and services that are provided to any other students for which the student is eligible for.
        • Receive the full protections and services provided under all federal and state laws, as it relates to homeless children, youth, and their families.

        It is not a crime to live in one of the above situations, and schools are here to assist you and your children with enrollment and appropriate services.  This information will not be shared outside the educational entity.

        If you have questions about these rights, please contact the Ontario-Montclair School District (OMSD) Homeless Liaison:

        • Cara Molina, Executive Director of Health & Wellness Services
        • Phone:  909-459-2500
        • Email: 

        For assistance with services and support, please call or visit your child’s school to speak with the Outreach Consultant or Principal. You may also call OMSD Health & Wellness Services, Case Management Team directly at 909-418-6923, or click this link to find out if you qualify for services: Family Support Survey

        Scan this QR to complete the Family Support Survey.

      California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP)

      If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.