Science/Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
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Welcome to Science, Learning, Engineering & Mathematics
Why is STEM important?
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is the future for our students. Not only is California in the thick of the nation’s economy-driving technologies of aerospace, defense, and systems engineering, computer software and network engineering, and bioinformatics and biotech, it is poised to be one of the leaders in green technology.
Did you know that within the next ten years that:
Almost all large US engineering firms such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Boeing will need to replace most of its engineering workforce in the next ten years?This means that they are looking for more than 200,000 new scientists!
70 percent of jobs in the next ten years will require education beyond a high school diploma.
The top 10 jobs today did not exist five years ago.
One of two people has had their job less than two years.
Technical information doubles every two years.
51 percent of US patents awarded in 2009 went to non-US companies.
India and China both have more honors students than the US has students enrolled in school.
To get a job in the near future, you need to have:
a desire to figure out “stuff” – be a good problem solver,
be a decent math student (you don’t have to be a straight A student – you need to have a desire to solve problems)
be creative
be a team player
be willing to go to college for at least four years! (Check out ways to pay) and Cal Poly Pomona our local engineering college!
OMSD is committed to helping our schools prepare globally competitive students with the skills necessary to contribute to tomorrow’s world and the resulting work environment.