Classified Leadership Conference

  • The Classified Leadership Conference (CLC) was established to offer a large-scale platform for classified staff, featuring a wide range of Professional Development topics and scheduled outside the regular work year. This conference addresses the desire of classified employees to expand their knowledge and skills, whether to explore new areas within the educational field or enhance their current roles. By providing access to similar academic, safety, technological, and soft skill enhancements as their certificated and management counterparts, the CLC ensures equitable professional growth opportunities. A notable and impactful outcome of the CLC has been the strengthened camaraderie and mutual appreciation between the Board and attendees. At OMSD, the Board is committed to building confidence and expertise among all 2,700 employees. The time and resources invested in the CLC reflect the Board of Trustees' dedication to the District's core values: "Our Children, Our Community, Our Commitment, Our Future."

Classified Leadership Conference Contact

  • Debra Marin

    Executive Assistant to the Executive Director of HR

    Tel: (909)418-6344



CLC Save the Date Flyer